Growing an avocado tree from an avocado pit (seed) in water is a popular and simple method. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you grow an avocado tree at home using water:

Materials Needed:

  1. Avocado Pit (Seed):
    • Choose a fresh, healthy avocado pit. You can obtain it from a ripe avocado fruit.
  2. Toothpicks:
    • You’ll need toothpicks to suspend the avocado pit in water.
  3. Glass or Jar:
    • Use a glass or jar with a wide mouth to hold the avocado pit and water.
  4. Water:
    • Use room temperature water for soaking the avocado pit.
  5. Sunlight:
    • Avocado trees require plenty of sunlight. Choose a bright, sunny spot for your growing avocado plant.


  1. Remove the Avocado Pit:
    • Carefully remove the pit from a ripe avocado. Clean the pit to remove any remaining fruit.
  2. Identify the Top and Bottom:
    • The avocado pit has a broader end (bottom) and a pointed end (top). The bottom is usually flatter, and the top has a slight indentation.
  3. Insert Toothpicks:
    • Insert three to four toothpicks into the sides of the avocado pit, spaced evenly and pointing downward. This will allow you to suspend the pit in water.
  4. Suspend the Pit in Water:
    • Place the toothpick-end of the avocado pit on the rim of a glass or jar, allowing the bottom half to be submerged in water. The toothpicks should support the pit without letting it touch the water.
  5. Change the Water Regularly:
    • Change the water every few days to keep it clean and prevent mold or bacterial growth.
  6. Wait for Roots to Develop:
    • It may take several weeks for roots to sprout from the bottom of the avocado pit. You will also notice a stem emerging from the top.
  7. Wait for Shoots and Leaves:
    • Once the roots are well-established, a shoot with leaves will start growing from the top of the avocado pit.
  8. Planting in Soil (Optional):
    • When the shoot is about 6 inches (15 cm) tall, you can transplant the avocado seedling into soil. Use a well-draining potting mix.
  9. Watering in Soil:
    • Water the avocado plant in soil regularly, allowing the top inch of the soil to dry out between watering.
  10. Provide Sunlight:
    • Avocado trees need plenty of sunlight. Place the potted plant in a location with full sun exposure.
  11. Patience and Care:
    • Growing an avocado tree from a pit requires patience. It may take several years before the tree produces fruit.

Remember that not all avocado pits will successfully sprout and grow into trees. Also, keep in mind that avocados grown from seeds may not necessarily produce fruit identical to the parent plant. Commercial avocado trees are typically grown from grafted branches of fruit-bearing trees to ensure fruit quality and characteristics.

Enjoy the process of growing your avocado tree, and with proper care, you may eventually have a beautiful, fruit-bearing plant!