Growing watermelon on the terrace can be a delightful experience, and with the right care, you can enjoy big, super sweet fruits. While watermelons are typically grown in larger spaces due to their sprawling nature, compact or bush-type varieties are well-suited for container gardening on a terrace. Here’s a guide to help you grow watermelon on your terrace:

Materials Needed:

  1. Container or Grow Bag: Choose a large container or grow bag with a minimum volume of 5 gallons. Ensure the container has drainage holes.
  2. Quality Potting Mix: Use a well-draining potting mix enriched with compost.
  3. Watermelon Seeds or Seedlings: Purchase seeds or seedlings of compact or bush-type watermelon varieties suitable for container gardening.
  4. Trellis or Support (Optional): Depending on the variety, a trellis or support may be needed to help the vines climb.
  5. Fertilizer: Use a balanced fertilizer or a fertilizer formulated for fruiting plants.


  1. Selecting a Suitable Variety:
    • Choose a compact or bush-type watermelon variety specifically bred for container gardening. Some examples include “Sugar Baby” or “Bush Sugar Baby.”
  2. Choosing the Right Container:
    • Select a large container or grow bag with good drainage. Watermelons have deep root systems, so a container with a depth of at least 12 inches is preferable.
  3. Preparing the Potting Mix:
    • Fill the container with a well-draining potting mix. Mix in compost to provide additional nutrients.
  4. Planting Seeds or Seedlings:
    • If planting seeds, sow them directly in the container according to the recommended spacing. If using seedlings, transplant them carefully into the center of the container.
  5. Watering:
    • Water the soil thoroughly after planting. Keep the soil consistently moist throughout the growing season. Watermelon plants are sensitive to dry conditions, especially during fruit development.
  6. Sunlight:
    • Ensure that the terrace location receives full sunlight. Watermelons thrive in warm and sunny conditions.
  7. Support (Optional):
    • Some compact watermelon varieties can benefit from vertical support. Use a trellis or cage to support the vines as they grow.
  8. Fertilizing:
    • Fertilize the watermelon plants with a balanced fertilizer or a fertilizer high in phosphorus to support fruit development. Follow the recommended application rates.
  9. Pruning (Optional):
    • Pruning is generally not necessary for compact varieties, but you can pinch off excess vines or lateral shoots if they become too crowded.
  10. Harvesting:
    • Harvest watermelons when they reach maturity, as indicated by changes in color, a dull surface, and a hollow sound when thumped. Refer to the specific variety’s recommended harvest indicators.


  • Terrace Size:
    • Choose a sunny terrace with sufficient space for the watermelon vines to spread. If space is limited, consider compact or bush-type varieties.
  • Pollination:
    • Watermelons require pollination for fruit development. If growing on a terrace, encourage pollination by gently shaking the vines or using a small brush to transfer pollen between flowers.
  • Regular Monitoring:
    • Monitor the plants regularly for signs of pests or diseases. Address any issues promptly to ensure healthy fruit development.

Growing watermelon on the terrace is a wonderful way to enjoy fresh, homegrown fruits. By selecting the right variety and providing the necessary care, you can successfully cultivate sweet and delicious watermelons in a container gardening setup. Adjust the guidelines based on your specific growing conditions and preferences. Happy gardening!